I just finished Suite Française for book club!
And am I ever happy about it. There’s something wrong with me — I realize — but I’m just glad it’s over. I was moved by Irène Némirovsky’s work and vision and I think the world is very lucky to have this work. I just wished I liked it more. It’s me — not the books.
I get to pick the next books we vote on and I’m looking forward to torturing my friends. Now they will have to vote on what I think is interesting….mwah-ha-ha!!
Actually, I’ve planned my choices very carefully to reflect not only my interests but also to appeal to the group. It wasn’t easy. I deserve some kind of prize for my effort. Two of the choices are even fiction — but not period fiction! I need to read something from the age of email soon or I will lose my mind.
Also some interesting news. I checked out my web stats again recently and I have far more than three readers. But you are all very quiet and non-commenting people. (Thank you to my regular posters — you fill me with joy). Is it me? Do I not seem interested in your thoughts and views? Because I am, you know. I’m very interested in hearing from those who wish to explain to me the joys of period fiction — and anything else for that matter. But keep it clean.
If I read too much period fiction my brain will melt!