Silly Answers to Silly Questions
My answers …
- If you had to choose, which would you rather have: herpes, a root canal,
a computer virus, a colonoscopy, or a polygraph? - A computer virus.
- If you could go back in time and do one thing over, what would it be?
- Pass math.
- If you could only have one food item and one drink for every meal for the
next month, what would they be? - Food: Sushi. Drink: San Pellegrino Bottled Water
- What do you usually leave in: a huff, a tizzy, the bed of a beat-up pickup,
a high dudgeon (what is this?) or a stretch limo? - A tizzy.
- You open up a bottle and instead of beer, you get a genie. Standard three
wish deal. What do you wish for? - Eternal happiness.
- You just inherited/won $1 Billion. What do you do for the next 24 hours?
- Probably eat sushi and drink champagne.
- Of all of the voices in your head, which is your favorite?
- The voice of the night.
- You are leaving tomorrow for a 6-week stay in the 12th century. What do
you pack? - Antibiotics, my medication and a lighter.
- Name something small that really annoys you.
- Mosquitoes
- What assumptions do people make about you that are wrong?
- That I’m nice to a fault.
- If you had a building named after you, what would be in it?
- Footwear.
- It is the year 2024. What kind of computer are you using?
- I’ll be in my fifties. Probably still the type of computer one finds in an office.
- If you were forced to move to another country, where would you go?
- The United States (really).
- Okay, ‘fess up. What did you do that made it necessary to move to another
country? - They have the Fifth Amendment in the US.
- Zen space. Make up a question and provide your own answer.
- When?
- Right now damn it!
re: 12th century — I think a semi-automatic would be a useful accessory, though you would have to be circumspect about not running out of bullets.
I would also pack those pills that decontaminate water. And my glasses.
Yes, a semi-automatic and the purification tablets. They didn’t even occur to me but I can see the practicality. I’d need my glasses as well but I forgot the most important thing — my hearing aids. Without them I’d not be able to communicate well at all. I hate to have to resort to an ear trumpet. Or lip reading!