Weekend in New York

I’m going to New York tomorrow for a little weekend vacation. I have my cell phone and my Nintendo DS so I should be fine in terms of technology withdrawal. (I’ve decided I need a iTouch too — but that’s another topic). No doubt, it’ll be fun but I’m always glad to get home after a holiday. I get homesick — not as bad as when my parents shipped me off to camp — but I miss my life and the people in it when I’m away.

I also miss all my bathroom products. I can’t possibly cart my entire medicine cabinet with me and it was quite a struggle to decide which haircare products I should bring — I use three regularly…and sometimes I use all three at once if my hair is in need of volume, hold and shaping all at the same time. I chose the shaping one, so I may have flat and flyaway hair for the duration of my big city adventure. Of course, I could always buy some stuff there but my suitcase is so small and I only saved a little room for a potential shoe purchase.