Tastily prepared vegetables in the house

Guess what was on the menu tonight?
Grilled asparagus and grilled eggplant parmesan. Also barbecued hot Italian sausages.

All ingredients were sourced from Kensington Market.

Delicious! And a lot healthier than usual, too.

I also walked home from work today again. I usually walk 40-50 minutes each day.

Overall, I am feeling pretty good about my attempts to be healthier.

Well, except for one thing.

I think about quitting smoking every day but thinking isn’t doing. I have decided that I need a crutch to try — cold-turkey won’t work. I need to fiddle with things so the inhaler might be the ticket.

Now I just need to set the date. Is before or after a holiday better? I know it shouldn’t matter but it does.

Damn my 16 year old self — you got me into this mess. You and your adolescent stupidity. You were cute but boy were you a stupid-head.

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