Not much to report. I’ve been very busy at the workplace lately so I have not been computing in the evenings that much.
My friends K & K bought me a book for my birthday: I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris. It’s a hoot and I’ve been reading that instead of mindlessly surfing as well. Amy Sedaris is the younger sister of bestselling author David Sedaris. I love David Sedaris’ work and now I’m also a fan of hers.
She better get cracking and write some new stuff as I’m bored and need new reading material. I am desperate for something interesting to read. I will have nothing after I get through the rest of my birthday presents.
Maybe I’ll read Suite Francaise again to get ready for book club — or maybe I’ll just lock myself in the bathroom, take some Lorazepam and experiment with some new hairstyles until I’m ready to go to bed. Both are equally likely.