On the Sopranos (my latest DVD obsession) everyone seems to have a nickname. Beansie, Paulie, Pussy — every episode is a new adventure in creativity.
I want a nickname too.
I do have one of sorts — my poker nickname is Ladyfingers. My poker pal C. christened me with this name and it’s kinda cute.
But I need something shorter for everyday use. People are not supposed to dream up their own nicknames — that’s just weird — so I can’t just make one up.
Just so you know, I’d like something cute but also ironic — I’m sure someone will come up with something fun.
I like this better than Turtle — another suggestion I got.
Christine – it was really – really nice to see you. I always come back to your blog to see what else you are doing.
Take care. Travel lightly.
see ya
your pal