Today we were talking about the typical Friday stuff — high school boyfriends, peaking in yours teens, self-destructive behaviour in our adolescent peers that extended into adulthood, self-esteem, blue eye-shadow, long hair as well as fried blonde hair, being self-aware and living an authentic life…
Kinda like an Oprah show mixed with the DSM-IV.
Yeah, I know. We’re an interesting bunch.
I’m thinking a bit more about some of the quite varied topics discussed…
Someone mentioned this piece of wisdom: Start as you mean to finish — do things at the get-go the way you plan to do them at the end. I’m not always so good at this. Sometimes I start like a house on fire and end up with a little pile of singed sticks. Other times, I am far too enthusiastic and I end up doing something I’d rather not.
That comment made me think about something I read a few weeks ago: All relationships – personal, professional, romantic, with your electrician – end as they start. Reflect on that. It’s true, isn’t it?
There’s some lesson here. I think it has to do with being your authentic self — something I am pretty good at, as I can’t keep my light under a bushel — or rather my quirks from spilling out from my half-full glass and staining the carpet.