house porn

Today some house porn came in the mail — Canadian House and Home to be precise. As far as house porn goes H&H is pretty soft-core. Cottages and clambakes and a lot of traditional or transitional spreads. Sometimes they spice it up with some modern and minimal stuff but not enough for my taste. I also picked up Ellle Decor in the supermarket. A bit more risqué thank goodness.

I subscribe to H&H because it is Canadian and because I love Cameron McNeil — I’m actually a bit tired of the content but the Canadian alternative is Style at Home and for some reason I don’t enjoy that one as much. Not sure why, it is more modern but something’s missing — perhaps Cameron.

I also read: Dwell, Met Home, Azure and Western Interiors. My favorite, by far, is Western Interiors because my dream (fantasy!) is to live in a modern house in the desert.

If wishes were rainbows, I would be living in a city in the American Southwest. (I am open to any offers from PR sorts in that geographical area. Hey, I am a generalist! I can do any kind of PR if it involves living near cactus. Email me.)

My favourite house in real life belongs to the parents of my friend K. It’s a mid-century marvel and whenever I visit I want to touch the little bricks and soak in the clean lines.

I think K.’s parents think I am a bit nutty about their house (and a bit nutty in general) but I love it. It is not the biggest one I visit but it is by far the most lovely and wonderful. (The people who live inside it are pretty special too but that’s a different topic.)


  1. The people who live inside the house think you’re pretty special, too 🙂 And as a comforting gesture, you will be receiving a cactus from me.

  2. Said cactus is now within the city limits and will be delivered to you on June 26.

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