Hello Mimi

I’m getting more set in my ways every year. I take vitamins and drink herbal things with antioxidants to ward off the imminent collapse of my youth. And despite the fact that I’m engaged in a battle to look and feel more youthful, young people drive me crazy — perhaps because I’m no longer one of them.

The cliché for men nearing midlife (or in the throes of it) is to run out and buy a red sports car. My dream car is not new and out of my price range. I won’t be getting one soon.

But I did get something to celebrate the fact that I still have all my own teeth.

Her name is Mimi. She’s a 50cc Sym Mio.


I don’t plan on wearing those shoes when I’m scooting. They were just for the photoshoot.

By the way, my new Mio was purchased at Totally Scooters, located at 715 Queen Street West in Toronto. I note this because of the friendly service and professionalism of the owners. There’s no “attitude” in their shop — unlike some others I visited — they are not scooter snobs. They just want to share their love of scooting and it shows. No, they don’t sell Vespas but so what — their products are excellent and nowhere near the price. Anyone looking to shell out $4295 for a Vespa LX50 would be wise to check out the alternatives. I’m a label slut myself but for about half the price you can get a fine machine with cute styling.

If you are in the market, I can’t encourage you enough to visit them.


  1. You better get a full-face helmet so you still have “all your own teeth” after the scooter training.

  2. I agree with Tracy – but think you need more than just a helmut. This city is crazy! Those of us on foot are in constant danger. That little scotter is just one step. So, I am talking about protection, and a lot of of it. Ask a hockey coach or a metal worker. Be prepared.

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