One of the reasons I really like where I work is the fact that I don’t have to dress in high business attire on a regular basis. I can wear (nice) jeans if I feel like it but I do like to dress up the rest of my outfit. But months can go by without catching me in a suit. When I do turn up in more conservative garb, people tend to joke that I must have an interview.
Sometimes I do have to dress up (for meetings and events) and this never used to be a problem. I always had about four suits in rotation. I used to work in a place where business attire was pretty much mandatory so I always owned the requisites. But in the last year or so I’ve lost a bit of weight and my suits don’t fit. (I know, I know, this is not a terrible problem to have). I did buy a new summer suit last spring for a few events but I didn’t buy any this fall for the colder weather. And I was getting away with it — until today.
This week I have to dress up three times in a row. Today I wore a nice blazer and slacks but now I’m out of ideas. I have other jackets but don’t have the right dress pants to go with them — I wear them with jeans!
After I finish typing this I’m going back into my wardrobe to investigate options. I do have some herringbone pants that might look pretty good….
- Note to self: Think about a little shopping after work tomorrow.