It occurred to me today when I was reading some other blogs that I don’t tackle any issues.
For example, I’m quite interested in the development plans for Regent Park, I do like to talk about things like gun control and teenage pregnancy, and I recycle — but do I feel the need to write about these things. Nope. Not even a little.
No, today I feel I must discuss my hair. I’m growing it and it’s taking longer to style it in the morning. But the results are worth it — I am very happy with my hair. Sure it could be thicker but I’m coping.
I’m not so happy with a new purchase I sported at work today. It’s a rather loud brocade jacket in shades of brown and rust — sadly I can’t find a picture of it online to share. The jacket itself fits very well, and since I never have any luck with jackets, I bought it. It was also on sale.
I felt like I wearing something I fashioned from a chesterfield and I probably won’t wear it again. I should not buy things on sale that I don’t really love. I should also eat right, get plenty of rest and exercise.
Anyway, did I mention I’m very happy with my hair these days?