I hardly ever talk on the phone — except at work — and never answer the phone at home unless I recognize the phone number, so I don’t have to deal with telemarketers.
But for the last week the same number has been calling and calling and calling — up to four or five times a day. No message is ever left. And I was convinced it was some crazy person so I looked it up. Or tried to anyway.
Google advised me that 416.224.1061 used to be the fax number for the North York Department of Public Health — before amalgamation, I guess. But a bit more looking and I found my answer…and a very interesting web site called Who Called Us.
Great little site!
It turns out that 416.224.1061 is VOX DATA/Solutions and Who Called Us gave me the number for their head office. I called them and a very professional and helpful man helped me out. Vox represents several financial service companies and one of the numbers they use is my mystery number. I asked them not to call anymore. Easy as pie.
If only I could stop them all.