I’ll eat anything served at a dinner party — even if I don’t like it.
I’m usually on time.
I’m polite
I’m a good tipper.
I will look at your holiday or baby pictures with interest.
I give up my seat on the streetcar when appropriate.
I usually thank the streetcar driver when I get off.
I will compromise about where we go out for dinner.
I floss regularly.
I recycle.
I am happy to proofread things at work.
If I’m going to the shop, I’ll bring you back a cup of coffee.
If you bring me a cup of coffee with too much sugar I won’t breathe a word.
I’ll go to that alternative poetry reading taking place in a totally dark room in the basement of some bar in that rough-yet-arty area with you, since you came to the “boring” lecture with me.
I could be persuaded to look after your (very small pet) if you are away (for a very brief period).
I’ll have brunch at the crack of dawn (9:30 am) since I really enjoy spending time with you.
I won’t, however, help you move or paint your house.
Re: Item 7
whatchoo smokin’?
Okay, but the rest are true.