I don’t write about my job (er, career) on here but most people who read this know what a do — heck, many of my readers see me at work on a daily basis. And a quick Google would provide the answer as I have not hidden my identity — a conscious choice as I’m still hoping to be discovered.
That said, I’m not going to start writing about work on here. That’s one of my blog rules that won’t I break (I will continue to write about some things that come close to breaking my self-imposed and rather rigid rules however).
But I wrote something (for work) that would actually be quite interesting to post on my blog — so I will bend the rules this one time. It’s a PDF and you’ll have to scroll to page 10. Look for the story called Facebook is so last year…
UPDATE: You can also read the online version, which is easier to get to but lacks the illustration which I really enjoy.
I guess the party’s over.
On the temperature front — it wasn’t so bad today but tomorrow it’ll reach 28°C. I’m dreading it already. I’ve been to the desert in the summer and that was actually quite bearable. Perhaps I should pack up my capri pants and move.
Where does the illustration come from?
I think the Bulletin hires an illustrator or it could be a stock illustration. I’m not sure…but I can you I didn’t draw it.