So, I don’t make resolutions — I tend to make purchases.
But I have been very, very good lately. I bought some shirts because I needed new shirts and I bought some pants because, well, there’s something odd going on with my midsection that’s necessitating a bigger size.
This is how good I’ve been. I’ve had my eye on these boots for some time. They’re a Church’s AURA II Chelsea boot.

Nice, right?
But nope. I resisted. And I continue to resist them on a daily basis.
I visit them online weekly and also look at similar (not much) cheaper versions that don’t get me in a lather.
So if I am going to make any resolutions, it’s to try and buy things I need and not want.

And I do have a need for footwear — just not those boots.
You see, my Dr. Martens are just about to give up the ghost. I’ve repaired them once, but one of the eyelets is just about to rip through again. (The eyelet provides a smooth, rigid surface for laces to be fed through, and stops (or in my case does not stop) the leather from fraying where the hole was made.)
I need a new pair of brown or oxblood lace up shoes. This is a fact. I have proof of imminent shoe failure. I could get a new pair of the Docs, but the quality (obviously) is not what it used to be.
So I am thinking about these lovely shoes that I could — without a doubt — really use.