bookmark_borderI’d rather eat near the kitchen…

Heard all over the city on the first warm day of Spring: “Oh, let’s find a patio!”…. and every nice day thereafter until the first frost.

I’ll sit on a patio and I’ll have a few drinks. Maybe a snack or even a bigger bite, too. But I won’t be happy. (I’ll look happy enough though because I’m good at that.)

I hate drinking or dining outside. Here’s why:

  1. It’s usually too hot.
  2. You can bet it’ll be too humid, too.
  3. A sunburned nose is likely.
  4. Flies.
  5. Wasps.
  6. Bees.
  7. Mosquitos.
  8. All of the above trying to get into my food/drink and/or on my person.
  9. People talk very loudly when socializing outdoors — sure this makes eavesdropping easier than usual but the conversations are rarely interesting.
  10. Seating is usually much less comfortable on the beloved patios of our city.
  11. Servers on patios are more apt to say “Hi guys, what can I get you.” I hate being called guy. I prefer gals or ladies. In mixed company, just “Hi, what can I get you.” works well. Servers: you is plural — you can just leave it at that.
  12. Napkins and a breeze — not a good mix

I also hate eating outside at BBQ’s and don’t even mention camping. But I’m a ton of fun otherwise. Invite me over for a drink — you’ll see.

bookmark_borderWhy I go to work

So it’s spring and with it comes my annual trek to Goodwill. I donate with abandon. It’s cleansing — almost like a day at the spa.

I do like collecting things so it’s good I harbour no hoarding tendencies. I have no trouble getting rid of things once they’ve outlived their purpose — or when they simply no longer excite me.

Some people choose to have children, I elected instead to have Calligaris dining room chairs. And next year I may fall in love with some new Kartell pieces.

The house and closets are now neat but also a bit empty. Like a big happy smile with missing teeth.

So now I am working on the Spring 2010 list of things I can’t live without.

My top ten in reverse order:

10. A Blu Dot bookshelf.
9. An Anglepoise Giant 1227 lamp. Ideally in white..
8. A Kuerig coffee maker.
7. Some new knives and a new universal block to accompany them.
6. An Ipad.
5. An Ipad.
4. An Ipad.
3. An Ipad.
2. An Ipad.
1. An Ipad.

I know, I know….I’m a shallow consumerist. But I recycle and I use non-toxic cleaning products in the home — so it all evens out.