My hair stylist S. turned me on to a new hair company from Spain called Lakme. I’m using the clay wax from their Hop! line. (FYI: it’s more wax than clay!)

I find the packaging amusing — what does “hair only permitted” mean anyway? Where else would I put it? There is no warning label but no need to send me any ideas.
Anyway, it really works — the stuff is the best product I’ve found for my hair. I just think I need another Lakme product in my bathroom— the special shampoo to get this fixative out of my hair at the end of a stylish day.
See above: the product is “water resistant” — I don’t think things you put in your hair should repel water — it makes shampooing a challenge.
So now I need a super shampoo. I hope this exists — S. will know.
Dawn gets those poor little birds clean … perhaps my answer is only as far away as the kitchen.