S. to the rescue….and A. too.
S. is, of course, my cool hair stylist and A. is well, my Lakme representative (among other things he’s also S.’s SO and equally cool to boot).
So to continue with the S. & A. love (good thing his name is not Michael, eh?) they are both very hip people who care about me and my ongoing hair concerns. (Or at least I feel this to be so and that’s what matters, no?)
My sticky hair situation has worked itself out — it turns out there is a companion shampoo for the hair wax. I bought some. I used it. It worked.

Just what I need! A shampoo that gets rid of “the remains of [my] parties”. All that contamination, smoke and styling product — gone! I’ve never felt so clean. (I have not started doing gang signals yet but maybe that comes next?)
I want to “start all over again”, Lakme. Oh yes, I do.
Interesting label. Do you suppose this is a creative Spanish to English translation?
Nope, I think they just have really interesting marketing peeps in Spain.