I don’t own this t-shirt nor do I wish to purchase it. (I do find it somewhat amusing but I’m a bit risque that way.)
I mention it because today I saw a teenage girl wearing this garment. Her friend (Shirley to her Laverne, I guess) was wearing one that said “LOL at your face.” I guess she was playing hard to get — or maybe she’s just a bit more picky.
In the same establishment were a bunch of little ones and their people. It crossed my mind that I could have one of those little ones back at my pad (or, I guess, out in public in a dining establishment.) Or I just as easily could be the mother of a member of the t-shirted teen clique.
So I was sitting here thinking about t-shirts and I found some that were kinda fitting for this post but many online were quite mean-spirited. I like kids — just not at my house.
My feelings are similar to Helen Gurley Brown’s…
Helen Gurley Brown
“My sister, Mary, had polio and was in a wheelchair all her life,” Brown says. “I know what it is to care for somebody. I didn’t want the responsibility for any other little creatures. I have never regretted that decision.”
I also relate to Ms. Cho…(not really but she does amuse)
Margaret Cho
“I do not want children. When I see children, I feel nothing. I have no maternal instinct. I am barren. I ovulate sand…I look at children and feel no pull toward them, no desire whatsoever. Actually, my fiance‚ and I have seen some very interesting personal ads of 50-year-olds that like to wear diapers. So we’re thinking of adopting one of these guys. A baby by choice.”
And I’ll close with Dolly — I have a feeling she’s over the guilt. Life is too short.
Dolly Parton
“I was feeling guilty about not having kids, about having a career, that I’m not the woman I should be because I don’t have a desire to have them, that I was selfish.”