I was looking around online and found myself thinking that I’d like to go to Eddie Bauer to do some fall clothes shopping. (I didn’t shake my head after this crossed my mind — which is mildly perplexing. I actually shared the thought with others during my workday!)
Okay, so does this make me old now? Or boring? Old and boring at the same time? I need dress pants for work but I don’t like them to be too dressy-dressy. I prefer suits for the days I really need to look very professional. For my daily pant purposes, I just need a step-up from jeans or khaki pants — just a step.
These pants (from that store I just mentioned ) meet my demanding criteria — they don’t look too involved or complicated and they come in black and other dark colours.
These are nice too but I’ll be damned if I’ll wear something called an ‘easy fit trouser’. But you know, since I’ve crossed the bridge already, what’s the point really of shunning the easy fit. I probably would enjoy them.

I think something is happening to me…