I like you, but do I love you?

Let’s talk about footwear – unless you’d rather discuss the senate scandal.

No, footwear is better, especially since I am at an impasse and I have little or nothing to contribute to the senate issue.

Today’s pressing issue:

I own these boots. I like the way they look, but the sole is a bit worn out and they’re not very comfortable to walk in for long distances. (I walk a lot for exercise, not that it’s actually doing anything, but that’s another post.) Also, they don’t really go well with any other pants besides jeans.


Not great for a lot of walking nor are they very versatile..


And so, I need another pair of black boots. (Yes, I know, I have other black boots in my shoe collection, but trust me, they are either too high for everyday wear or too sporty. I need an everyday boot that works with many different outfits.)

So I visited the largest women’s shoe store in Canada at the Bay’s Queen Street flagship store. (Oh wait, the Bay wants to be called Hudson’s Bay now. I was having some trouble getting behind that, but now I kinda like it…so I was over at Hudson’s on Queen.)

Um, where? The Bay at Yonge and Queen?
Yeah, the Bay.

Anyway, I was there and it was a zoo. Yes, there were lots of shoes and boots. And lots of lots of people clamouring over them. I think it was a Bay Day — not yet called a Hudson’s Day which is not as catchy I suppose.

I prefer a more carefully curated shoe experience. There was just too much to absorb. But after a bit of maneuvering, I got to the Frye section. And what a section it was!

I often look at the Frye boots at Get Outside as they have quite a few styles, but the Bay — ugh Hudson’s — had more. So many more.

And I saw these. They don’t lace up, but I think I love them anyway.


Classy, no? Leather soles, too.


I didn’t buy them as they are not inexpensive and I wasn’t sure that I loved them. I liked them sure, but I don’t take my MasterCard out of my wallet for just anyone. But I am still thinking about them. (And writing about them.) And look how great they look on me!


Yeah, no. Not me, obviously. Plus, I plan to be wearing pants and I want them in black.


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