
I am shameless — totally shameless — about feeling delighted when people think I am younger than I am. I know it’s not very progressive or feminist of me but I don’t care, I just love it to death.

Today in the coffee line, the barista and I were chatting about my stomach. You see, I had to get tea instead of my usual coffee because I could tell that my stomach was just not going to embrace coffee.

I made a joke that acid reflux was just one of the joys she could look forward to when she got older.

And the barista — bless her mid-twenties (tops) heart — said you’re not old.

I insisted I was indeed old. And she guesses (without any prompting) that was maybe 31 or 32.

I set her straight and then I danced all the way to my office with my tea in hand.

Shameless behaviour? Maybe. But I wasn’t fishing for a compliment — honest.

Can I help it if people in customer service positions are more than willing to flatter their aged customers?

bookmark_borderWe’ll see…

Today I was listening to Jesse Thorn interview Marianna Palka.

Jesse Thorn is the creator/host of the radio show the Sound of Young America and Marianna Palka is the writer and director of the movie Good Dick.

They were both born in 1981.

Today I felt old.

Not so old that I can’t figure out how to load a podcast onto my device but old enough to realize I’ll never make a feature film or host a hip little show.

There is a chance — a small one — that I could yet do something interesting.

We’ll see.