Guess what my bookclub picked last night?
Bait and Switch by Barbara Ehrenreich! I can’t wait to read about a grueling white-collar job search.
It was a tough vote but Ehrenreich won out. I don’t know if my previous blog posting had anything to do with the book making the selection list — maybe it was just karma.
Last night we talked about quite a few topics including
(paraphrasing J.) :
- the implications of a marital relationship with a transgendered spouse;
- racism in America and Canada;
- why we love/hate the work of Michel Houllebecq; and
- the launch of my new salon;
I don’t think I meant a hair salon but rather a conversational gathering. I don’t actually rememember talking about my new salon at all but there is wine consumed at these events. Not too much but I have a weak constitution.
Hey – can you put a link up for Michel Houllebecq? I know I could google myself, but i’m feeling lazy today.
I can loan you the The Elementary Particles. Quite interesting or terrible … depends on what you like.
Ah! Interesting. Thanks for that.