At least I still have all my teeth

I am not in a good mood. I’m getting over a cold and my acid reflux has been really acting up. Plus my toothpaste for sensitive teeth seems to be losing its efficacy. Not to mention I hate all the clothes in my closet. I can’t even listen to any depressing music as my stupid Bose iPod speaker died.

I might as well quit my job and move to Reykjavík — I do well in cooler climates.

I need a bath.

Okay, I’ve bathed and I feel better. It’s amazing what a little exfoliation can do for your spirits.

  • My cold isn’t that bad. It’s almost gone and I didn’t get it nearly as bad as my wonderful friend at work. We blame the September influx of germs.
  • Sometimes my stomach just acts up. I’m trying to suck it up (or spit it out) and deal.
  • At least I have all my teeth.
  • There is a new fashion season just around the corner. Fall clothes are my favourite.
  • I like rock ballads not weepy-ass songs.
  • I’d like to visit Iceland — briefly — and I’d like to stay in nice hotel.

And I’m really happy with my hair lately.

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