I woke up very sore this morning. Aching all over but happy.
I spent the weekend at a scooter safety course. If successful, one is licensed (with an M2(L)) after completion.
I was successful. I did lose 2 demerits out of a possible 12. Both demerits were due to going too slowly — not a problem I have while driving a car. In fact, the entire class of 10 people passed — which is quite rare. Five people in the group were strangers but the other five were my friends. We joked that we were going to form our own scooter posse. We can now.
A big congratulations all of us!
I plan to ride Mimi — who is much more pretty than the scooter I learned on, a Yamaha C3 — in non-rush hour situations in the short term. This Sunday, I will ride to the beach.

Congratulations, Christine!!
(You should definitely form a Scooter Posse.)
Thanks Ken!
Yeahhhhh to us!!!
Can’t wait to join you for a ride!
Have fun down on the beaches this weekend.
Sharon, you are a scootering super success yourself!!