
Things I wonder:

  1. Why does Mylie Cyrus have overlapping front teeth? I understand some parents just can’t afford orthodontia but this was not the case in this instance. Also, it’s not too late to get on this.
  2. Why is Twitter still popular?
  3. Why can’t I wink?
  4. Why can’t I sit down and write more than these small amusements?
  5. Why are neck tattoos becoming increasing popular?
  6. Why didn’t I study harder in school?
  7. Why am I running out of things to write about?

bookmark_borderG is for Goose

I walk to work these days so I don’t get to interact with my fellow citizens on the TTC anymore. I’m okay with that.

However, today I went to visit my my doctor which necessitated a trip on the subway.

And on the subway, I saw a woman “flashcarding” her baby. Apparently G is for Goose and L is for Lemon — she was not flashing the cards in order which will no doubt screw the kid up in the spelling department. Nonetheless, it was — I suppose — a learning moment.


  1. At what age can little humans focus their eyes?
  2. If my parents flashed me with numbers, would I use Excel better today?