bookmark_borderI have a good feeling it will taste fantastic

Today on my way home I picked up some guavas in Chinatown. I knew they were guavas only because they were in a plastic box with a label. I could not identify a guava in a fruit line-up otherwise. (I do know what guavas taste like as I have enjoyed the juice — it’s nice with vodka.)

When I got home I looked up how to eat them. I learned that you can eat the skin but most people prefer to discard the seeds. Great, I’m all set and I’ll eat them with my yogurt for breakfast.

I like shopping for produce in I Chinatown — it’s like an adventure. A cheap one.

But I need help if I want to purchase anything beyond the basics.

For example, there are many leafy green vegetables on display that look very healthy – I bet they are chock full of vitamins — that I am unable to identify. I could ask but I am shy in produce-purchasing situations.

Recalling my dill experience, I have trouble finding produce in a grocery store where I can read the labels written in large print never mind where most things are not marked at all, English notwithstanding.

So I guess I need to stick to pedestrian fruits and vegetables since I the majority of items on display are total mysteries to me.

This makes me sad. Besides the leafy green things today I saw a very large organic object shaped like an eggplant but light in colour. It wasn’t a turnip — that much I know for sure.

After a few tears I bought it anyway. I am going to boil it for dinner. I have a good feeling it will taste fantastic.

bookmark_borderI am my Grandmother

My Grandmother was crazy but I am not going to write about her at any length because a) you wouldn’t believe me and b) because I’m saving those bizarre stories for my book.

But one thing I will say is that she was obsessed with aging. She did not want to get older. She was convinced that there was an operation or special pills that could make her younger and that we (her uncaring family) were keeping this information from her so that she would be forced to get old and die.

I was thinking about her today because sometimes I get in a bad mood and dwell on my horrible childhood — okay, that’s not it — it wasn’t that bad when she wasn’t spanking me with a spoon or forgetting to feed me lunch.

I was thinking about her because I was reading O magazine and there was an article about aging with grace and acceptance.

After I read the item, I thought “screw that” — and then I realized I am my grandmother at 40.