No stranger to shopping

I’ve had my eyes on a pair of jeans for quite some time now. But this particular designer did not deign to make them in my size. Or so I thought.

I tried on a pair at Winners last week and they fit. But I didn’t get them as they were too faded for my taste. I wanted a darker wash. But they looked nice and I was a bit sad to let them go.

So today, I went to a shop that carries the pants in question. And they had the exact style I had in mind. But for some reason, this pair was slightly more snug than the pair at Winners. But they looked good — and I figured jeans stretch. So, in a moment of madness, I bought them. It’s not like they didn’t fit. I have jeans as tight now — except I grew into them.

I still need to get them hemmed. And perhaps in the week or so that’ll take, I can do some sit-ups and leg lifts.

Oh, but they are nice. And I can’t say I regret it.

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