bookmark_borderBook Flu

I was sad to miss my lunch hour book club this week. I was ill and stayed home snuggled in my bed. I moaned a bit about the book but when I finally finished it, I realized I actually enjoy it. It got me thinking.

I am sorry I missed the discussion.

My evening book club meets this week, too. Alas, I am feeling better and have no reason to stay in bed.

It turns I did get the book flu but it hit on the wrong day.

bookmark_borderI feel shame

I am on page 146 of Wolf Hall and I am about to lose my mind.

I don’t care about Henry VIII. I don’t care about Thomas Cromwell. I don’t care about Anne Boleyn. (I do feel sorry for Catherine of Aragon but I digress). I don’t care about the Reformation.

I just don’t give a hoot but I must get through this winner of the 2009 Man Booker Prize for Fiction. I have no motivation to do so.

There must something wrong with me. It won the MAN BOOKER PRIZE for heaven’s sake. I feel shame.

I would rather watch a House Hunters International episode than get back to this novel. In fact that’s what I am doing and it is one hundred times more enjoyable.